2018年10月28日 星期日

Digital arts 12 - Postage stamps

In the Internet, there are tons of tutorials on Inkscape and GIMP. Among these, Nicu's How-to is the one I like. It covered most features of Inkscape and GIMP and is rather easy to follow. This time, I followed the page Postage stamps with Inkscape, to produce my postage stamps.

In the page, Nicu mainly told you how to draw the perforated paper. There are three ways Nicu suggested in the page, I followed the first one, Pattern along Path. I followed the instructions, but I could not produce the desired result at first. It was because I did not followed the instructions exactly. I drew the circle before the rectangle. To use the Pattern along Path feature of Inkscape, the pattern should be above the path in terms of z-index. After I moved the circle above the rectangle, it worked.  Most tutorials had the same weakness, the writer did not mentioned something he/she supposed to be obvious but learners do not.

Hereafter are my outcomes.

