2020年1月24日 星期五

Digital arts 17 - Attempt to fix wrong focus

It is clear that the photo did not focus on the bird in the center but the leaves above. Of course, it is due to the auto-focusing system selected the object not intended by the photographer.

Attempts were made to correct the wrong focus problem. Most of the bird was selected by using the magic wand and the selection was copy to a new layer. The layer was then turned to gray scale and set to multiply mode with opacity 75%. A modified image was obtained and seemed to be improved.

More attempts were  made to improve it with different filters and layer modes combination. finally, the Drawing filter under the sub-menu Sketch of Script-Fu was use to produce a new layer and set to Multiple with opacity 70% and merged down with the improved layer.

At last, the differences among these photos are not much. 

